First twins, then quadruplets for unemployed couple

Culled From Saturday Sun

When Isaac Oluwasanmi Oluwadare
enrolled for a diploma programme at Niger
State College of Agriculture, Mokwa, a
couple of years ago, he was confident of
securing a good job, but that did not
happen. He then decided to go for a degree
certificate and enrolled into the Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, where
he bagged a Bachelor of Science degree in
Agricultural Economics and Farm
Management. Though he is from a very
poor family and had nobody to cater for his
education, he struggled to get good
education. He believed that with sound
education, he would be able to secure a
good job and raise a small family so that he
would also be able to cater for his siblings.
But all these hopes fell like a pack of cards.
The fate that has befallen him is contrary to
his expectations. He didn’t get a job. Rather,
he got a really big family and the challenge
he is facing now is how to fend for them.
When he got married in 2009, he and his
wife had to wait for three years for their
first child. When it then happened in 2012,
they were twins and it was a big surprise.
As he and his wife, who is also a jobless
NCE holder, were struggling to make ends
meet and cater for the two children, they
got another big surprise with a set of
quadruplets. Four babies at a time!
Mr. Oluwasanmi, 35, and his wife, 30,
narrated their experiences to Saturday Sun
at their sleepy Ikeji-Arakeji residence in Ori­
ade Local Government Area of Osun State.
They spoke to CLEMENT ADEYI
When did you get married? Was it before
or after your graduation?
I met my wife in the church I attended in
her hometown where I went, I thinking I
could get a job after I graduated from the
university in 2006. When I couldn’t get a
job, I started doing menial jobs and got
married in 2009; that is, after three years of
You had other children before the
We had twins as our first issues on 6th
January, 2012 before the quadruplets came
on 24th August 2014. The twins are a boy
and a girl. The quadruplets are a boy and
three girls. We now have six children.
So, how have you been coping with such a
large family, since you and your wife have
no jobs long after your graduation?
I engaged in farming from which I earn a
little income, with which I sustain the fam­
How does your wife support then?
My wife is an NCE holder but also jobless.
She is only assisting me in the farm work.
She is the one who markets our farm
The birth of the quadruplets was very
dramatic; you want to share it?
When the pregnancy was three months old,
my wife went for scanning and the result
indicated that she was carrying triplets. The
scan also showed that she would be de­
livered of the babies in October. Few
months later, she went for scanning again
when we started noticing some
complications in her health, but the result
still showed that the babies were in good
condition. On this blessed day, August 23,
my twin sisters were going to Lagos, but
decided to pass the night in my place before
continuing their journey the following day.
I had to vacate the bedroom for them and
slept on the floor in the parlour. They and
my wife went to bed very late; they were
discussing till midnight.
When it was about few minutes to 3:00 am,
one of my sisters came and woke me up and
told me that my wife’s condition was not
stable. So, I quickly joined them in the bed­
room to find out what was wrong with her.
When I asked, my wife said she was having
backache. We were all confused because we
didn’t know what to do or where to go since
it was late in the night. As a matter of fact,
immediately we realised that she was
carrying triplets, we decided to register for
antenal care at Mother and Child Hospital,
a government health centre in Akure, Ondo
State, which is about 23 kilometres from
where we are living in Osun State. But it
was difficult for us to go there that night.
While in the dilemma, my wife suggested
that we should call one midwife who she
used to go for prayer at CAC Memorial
Camp at Ikeji-Arakeji where we live. She
wanted to seek her counsel. In fact, it didn’t
occur to us that her time for giving birth
was due based on the result of the scan­
ning. I had suggested that we should wait
till morning in order to go to the hospital.
But alas, my wife could not endure the
pains she was going through. When she
then called the midwife, she said could not
come because it was late. The woman
advised us to wait till the following
morning. As we were trying to persuade my
wife to endure till then, one of the babies
just came out suddenly without labour. We
were surprised. I exclaimed: “What is this?
Everybody was just running up and down
until my wife suggested that we should call
one of her uncles popularly known as Jingo
to bring his car and take her to the
midwife’s clinic. Incidentally, my wife even
had an appointment with the doctor at
Mother and Child Hospital, the hospital
where she registered, the next day being
August 25.
When Jingo brought the car, we rushed her
and the baby to the midwife’s clinic. That
was around 3:25 am. It was at the clinic
that she was delivered of all the babies suc­
cessfully without any difficulties whatsoev­
er. What really surprised us was that, when
the third baby was born and we thought it
was over, she started having another sign
and before we could say Jack Robinson, she
gave birth to another baby contrary to the
scan’s report. In fact, she didn’t experience
labour, except that she complained of back­
ache. According to the midwife, the inter­
vals between the babies were not more than
five minutes after which each cord was cut
as they all shared the same placenta.
As soon as you knew it was quadruplets,
what ran through your mind, especially
concerning their maintenance? Some men
would think of running away. Did that
cross your mind?
I was very happy. But I was a bit disturbed
because of our poor financial condition. But
I trusted in God for help because He is the
one who gave the blessing and I believe He
will surely help me to take good care of the
children. With this confidence, I never
thought of running away. Though some men
in my shoes have done that in the past, I
can never do that. Even if I run away, I
would come back one day and that would
be very shameful.
What were their weights at birth?
Their weights were: 1.7, 1.4, 1.6 and 1.5 kg,
respectively. Two of them are identical, that
is, the 2nd and 3rd.
You must have given them wonderful
The first child, who is the only boy, is
called Nathaniel Boluwatife Oluwadare; the
second is called Elizabeth Oluwafunmilola
Oluwadare; the third is Helen Oluwagbe­
misola Oluwadare, while the fourth is
called Eunice Oluwakemisola Oluwadare.
Boluwatife means as God has purposed,
Oluwafunmilola means God has given me
blessing/wealth, Oluwagbemisola means
God has placed me in a wealthy condition,
while Oluwakemisola means God has en­
dowed me with blessing/wealth.
I decided to give the first name, Boluwatife
because none of our plans came through.
For instance, we planned to have the babies
in the government hospital to lessen our ex­
penses, but we never knew that God’s plan
is different. God took all the glory. No
wonder the Bible says, “My glory I will not
share with anyone.” In summary, the other
names mean that they are all blessings from
Did you ever pray for such a bounteous
blessing? Did you thank God or blame
Him when the children were born?
I always pray for double portion of every
good thing of life, but never prayed for
twins or quadruplets. In any case, when the
children came, I gave thanks to God for the
wonder He did in my family. When I got
married, there was no child for three years.
We waited patiently and when He was
ready to do what no man can do, He blessed
us with twins. After that, He blessed us
with quadruplets. In fact, the blessing is
unique and it is marvellous in our eyes.
Everybody that heard the news called us to
congratulate and pray for us. They call us
blessed among men.
Were you able to buy baby things before
the babies came?
We did not prepare at all because we were
taken unawares. She gave birth in August
before October that the scan indicated. So,
it was the midwife that supplied all the
necessary materials, which were later paid
for. I had to also rally round the streets for
money to buy many other things. But I later
refunded the money accordingly.
What was the bill like; was it much?
It was not as expensive as we expected.
Though it wasn’t easy, we were able to pay
by the help of concerned individuals and
friends after some days.
And how have you been coping with their
maintenance? Are they breastfeeding
they are on baby-formula?
Frankly, it has not been easy, but with the
help of God and the public-spirited people
around us who have been helping, we have
been coping. The children depend on both
baby food and breastfeeding.
How’s your house like? Are you
comfortable in it?
We live in a boys’-quarter with a room-
and-parlour; not a standard room. The
room was not convenient for us when we
were four with the twins, let alone now
that we are eight. I wish to get a better
accommodation, but I don’t have the
What is in your mind right now?
All I’m thinking about now is how to get a
good job so that I can take proper care of
my family.
If you were to be offered employment
now, where would you like to work?
I can work anywhere in the world, in as
much as the job is good and I can take care
of these children that God has given to me.
And if job still does not come, what then?
Currently, I engage in farming and I am
trying to increase my production capacity
through expansion. But to be frank, farming
is not easy, especially if there is no money
to hire labourers to support.
Did it ever occur to you or your wife that
one day you’d come to looking upon
people for help like this?
No, because God’s blessing cannot turn us
to beggars. I only see it as a challenge.
Instead of begging, I struggle more than be­
fore to be able to face the challenge.
How would you want people to help?
Though I need help from kind-hearted
individuals, organisations, churches, etc, I
believe that no amount of money they give
us can sustain us because money can only
last for a while. So, I prefer a job, which
can sustain me, and on which I would be
able to plan for my family.
In what ways has your church
assisted you so far?
Our church is very small. So, they cannot
assist us much financially. But they help us
in prayers.
You attended the University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta. What was your experience?
I faced a lot of challenges because I am
from a poor family. So, I had to struggle for
money to sustain myself, as my parents
could only afford to pay tuition fees. In fact,
I didn’t believe I could go to university after
my diploma from Niger State College of
Agriculture, Mokwa, Niger State. It was by
God’s grace and sheer determination.
What degree did you obtain and in what
I obtained BSc in Agricultural Economics
and Farm Management. It was a five-year
programme. I graduated in 2006.
Where have you applied for job and why
were you not employed?
I have applied for job in both public and
private sectors and I was not able to get em­
ployment. What I’ve discovered is that peo­
ple get jobs either by means of connection,
politics and money nowadays.
What is your message to Nigerians since
you are so concerned about the future of
the children?
I believe that God has a purpose for
bringing these children, knowing full well
that I don’t have a job to take care of them.
Who knows, if they are leaders of tomor­
row. Only God knows. I can only ask for
help from concerned individuals, organisa­
tions and government to raise these chil­
dren and fulfill God’s purpose for their
lives. Those who are led by God to help us
can reach me through these telephone num­
bers: 08038248815 & 08033861146.

Comfort, Oluwadare’s wife, also spoke
How old are you now?
I am 30 years old.
Are you and your husband from the same
Yes, we are both Yoruba.
Where do you hail from?
I am from Ikeji-Arakeji in Osun State.
You’re educated?
Yes, of course. I have NCE in Business
Are you now working?
I don’t have a job. My husband and I are
still searching for jobs.
How did you feel when you discovered
that you had given birth to four children
at a time?
I felt great as a woman. I felt blessed among
women. Immediately my mind went to God
and I acknowledged Him in my heart as a
very great God.
How do you cope with feeding the
When I prepare their food, I feed them
turn-by-turn, but when any of them is
agitated, I try to feed them simultaneously.
Sometime one or two of them could be
sleeping at the same time and I would be
able to cope in feeding those that are
Who helps you, especially when they are
crying or need your attention all at the
same time?
My mother and mother-in-law are always
around to help me.
Has there been a time you expressed fear
that your husband might not be able to
fend for the family because of his
unemployment situation?
I have never been worried because I believe
that on his own, he cannot do it, but with
God, he is equal to the task. Moreover, God
who brought the children knows how best
to cater for them. So, instead of being
worried, I encourage him that God will do
wonders in our home.

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